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Hair loss Trick or Treat

Picture of a pumpkin bandaged up

Halloween is upon us again, the traditional time for children to trick or treat. Soon your relaxing evening in front of the TV will be rudely interrupted by a swarm of ghouls, witches and goblins demanding sweets and treats with menaces… Halloween is traditionally a time when we remember all things scary and for some of us nothing is scarier than the thought of how to deal with hair loss. 

If you find yourself facing hair loss, what do you do?

Many will try every trick in the book to try to disguise hair loss, and certainly there is a myriad of options available on the market. Undoubtedly these solutions can prove to be very helpful. Millions of hair loss sufferers are currently using a variety of internal and external hair loss treatments such as Propecia and Minoxidil. Other solutions such as topical anti-androgens and hair thickening sprays also prove to be beneficial. Trying one or some or a combination of these products can feel very reassuring, giving you a feeling that you are doing everything possible to try to disguise your hair loss. Some find that having tried any or all of the applications, nothing helps. What do you do then? The ultimate trick is to cover up hair loss by wearing a hair system, and unquestionably the quality of many wigs and systems currently available prove to be a godsend to many balding beauties out there.

What then if you want to treat the baldness instead? Sadly there is no ‘over the counter’ treatment that is going to regrow hair once it is gone. If there were, no-one would be bald. Although topical treatments can slow down hair loss, they will not cure baldness. Hair restoration treatments such as transplanting or grafting have proven to be extremely effective and can restore a full head of hair in many cases. Consulting a trichologist can assist in diagnosing what type of hair loss you have and to find the best possible treatment for you.

Whether you decide to trick or treat, the most important thing to remember is that hair loss is not the scariest thing that can happen in your life. Some find it both mentally and physically uplifting just to bare all and live happily with their hair loss. However you decide to deal with your hair loss, make sure you make the choice that is best for you; after all those that matter, don’t mind and those that mind, don’t matter.

Get in touch – Holistique can help.

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Hair today – gone tomorrow

We often hear of a woman’s hair being described as her “crowning glory” and there is no doubt that a glorious head of hair can transform a woman – not only in terms of her looks, but her whole persona.

There is so much about a woman’s confidence that is bound up in her hair (no pun intended!) but if your hair looks good, you feel good.

Ever had a bad hair day? We have all been there. You get up in the morning and no amount of teasing, blowing, straightening, styling, moussing and gelling will make your hair look good. Imagine then, waking up every day of your life with a bad hair day. That is the prospect facing many tens of thousands of women in the UK; those women who suffer from alopecia or genetic hair thinning or who simply have very fine hair. For these women, not only do they feel the loss of their hair, they also a feel a loss of confidence, of attractiveness, of worthiness. Hardly seems fair does it?

I know first hand what this feels like. For the last 25 years I have been fighting a losing battle with genetically thinning hair (also known as androgentic alopecia). I could have gone on battling against the inevitable (or blaming my mother, or grandmother – it is genetic after all, right?) but finally I decided enough was enough. Having tried every type of hair treatment known to woman – transplants, extensions, integration systems, wigs, pills, lotions, sprays, hanging upside down like a bat to get more blood to the scalp (oh yes, I have tried it all!) – I finally found the solution that is right for me. Five years ago I found a hair replacement system that gives me amazing hair every day. It has changed my life dramatically – no more staring in the mirror every morning in despair. Now I spend the obligatory 10 minutes perfecting my already perfect hair (I am a woman after all!) and then voila, a quick flick of my gorgeous mane and I head off into my day, not only looking good but feeling good too!

I know that a hair replacement system may not be the solution to every woman’s hair loss problem but for me, it worked. It really did. If you are one of the many thousands of women out there needing practical hair help then I am ready, willing and able to help and advise you.

Related: Hair Loss in Women article from the NHS

Contact Eileen Colborne or visit our shop pages now to view our range of Hair Care Products

Useful Links about Hair Loss:

Treatment for hair loss
Alopecia UK
Alopecia Awareness

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A Close Shave

To shave or not to shave, that is the question. But what is the answer?

For many women suffering from hair loss, there is a very real prospect that one day they may have to address the thorny issue of whether or not to shave their head and bare all.

It is a sad fact that more than 1 in 10 women will have suffered from hair loss at one stage or another and this can have a devastating impact on their lives. Women hair loss can be triggered by any number of contributory factors but the truth is that no-one is entirely sure why it should happen. Anything from hormone imbalances, dietary deficiencies, stress, weight loss, cancer treatment or simple hereditary factors can start the hair loss process and in many cases it does not stop.

Whatever the cause of hair loss, the solution is just as unclear. There is an abundance of hair loss remedies out there, some more noteworthy than others, but for many women there may come a time when they realise that there is very little that can be done to reverse their hair loss and a decision needs to be made. Should I go bald and beautiful or should I cover up?

Celebrities like Demi Moore and Natalie Portman chose to shave their heads for the sake of their art; Jessie J chose to shave for the sake of charity, but the thing these women have in common – apart from the fact that they are beautiful – is that their hair loss is temporary.

What happens when your hair loss is permanent?
The brave amongst us may well decide to shave and be done. I applaud those women who face their fear and do it anyway, and are happy in their own skin (or scalp!). What about the less brave, which let’s face it, is the majority of female hair loss sufferers. Covering up hair loss with a wig, hair system or hairpiece is a simple and popular solution. Wigs are worn by young and old alike for many reasons other than hair loss. Some women choose to wear a wig for no other reason than they fancy a change or that it compliments an outfit. There is no longer any stigma associated with wig wearing, and there are thousands of stunning wigs available to choose from.

Whatever the decision about shaving, the one thing that is of paramount importance is to be comfortable with your decision. It may not be an easy road getting there, but once you reach the crossroads and have chosen your path, just rejoice in the decision and trust it is the right one for you.

If you are one of the many thousands of women out there needing practical hair help then I am ready, willing and able to help and advise you. You can get in touch by calling 01494 523834 or filling-in the contact form below. I hope to hear from you soon. Eileen.

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Argan Oil – Liquid Gold

Also known as the miraculous argan oil which comes from a small region of southwest Morocco known as the Souss Plains.

Argan Oil comes, as you would expect, from the Argan Tree, often termed by local tribesmen as the “Tree of Life” – and with good reason.

Argan oil is fast becoming known as one of the most sought after beauty products around, mainly because it is 100% natural and is a rich source of omega 6, essential fatty acids and Vitamin E.

The combination of these nutrients means that it has incredible moisturising and skin nourishing qualities; and that is good news for us ladies who use it for its anti-ageing and healing properties.

If you haven’t yet tried argan oil, you are missing out on one of the best ways to fight those tell tale signs of ageing.

Argan oil is not only used in skin products; it is also the secret ingredient used in many hair care ranges today. Moroccan women’s hair has long been the envy of the Western world and now you can learn their secret.

Argan oil used in hair preparations will help strengthen and condition dull, dry and damaged hair, bringing it back to life and leaving it looking shiny and healthy. It doesn’t leave a greasy residue so your hair will feel light and full of volume.

Argan oil really does work so try it to believe it!!

For those of us (un)lucky enough to remember the 1980’s first hand, Liquid Gold now no longer means that ‘one hit wonder’ pop group who danced themselves dizzy, it now means an invaluable source of nourishing hair and beauty products to rejuvenate even the dullest skin and hair.

Check out the Nearly Natural range of Argan Oil products and many more in our hair care online shop.